Ways to Occupy yourself After a Break Up

So, you just broke up with somebody you loved… you feel sad, empty and like you’ve lost a part of you. You feel like your life is over and you have all this extra free time & have no idea what to do with yourself. Here is some ideas:

Have a Bath: Light some candles and add something nice to your bath like Epsom salts or oatmeal as these are very beneficial health wise. Listen to nice music or read a book or just simply relax!

Pamper Yourself: Do your nails, a body scrub or a facial – or all of the above! Nothing feels better then soft skin and freshly done nails.

Call Someone: Call your Mum, a best friend, a relative… anyone who is a great listener and who you are close too. Venting is a great way to get things off your chest, get a second opinion if you need it and take your mind off things even. I find when I’m upset, I’ll call my Mum and I’ll tell her everything and she’ll listen and/or say things to make me feel better and then by the end of the phone call we would have started talking about other things and I feel a lot better!

Plan, Organise, Do!: Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or a place you’ve wanted to move or travel too but have been held back, in a way, because of your partner? Well, now is the time! Well, soon.. when you’re feeling better.. you know what I mean! Start planning the things you want to do and do these things for you! This will also get you excited for the future and you’ll see that there are brighter days ahead.

Get a Hobby: Colouring in (not just for children!), get crafty and make something, begin a sport, take up photography, take a short course, find a passion and spend your time on it!
For me, I social media as a hobby where I spread the word about veganism & health! It takes up a lot of my time and it’s for a great cause and makes me happy! Just find something that suits you and that you enjoy.

Start Reading: Reading is a great way to distract the mind from negativity and immerse yourself into a new world of new thoughts.

See Friends: When we are in relationships we often can immerse ourselves into the human being we have fallen in love with and fit in friends when we can. Now you will have so much free time to catch up with those friends who you may not have seen for a while! If they are true friends they will be there for you and understand the situation and they will be pleased to see you again. Organise dinners, whether dining out or in, have a movie night in and maybe even a sleepover! Go out to lunch, see a movie, go for a hike, just keep busy!

Exercise: Exercise is a great way to feel good! Moving your body & getting a sweat on will release endorphin.. the feel good hormone! Find something you enjoy, whether it be going for a walk by yourself or with friends, joining a gym, skipping, cycling, whatever tickles your fancy!

Get in Nature: I personally find nature has a calming effect. Whether I’m going for a walk in it or just sitting or eating a meal outside (if you don’t live in a highly congested city area) is nice and relaxing. Listen to the birds and the breeze and if you’re on a hike, just enjoy the surrounds!

Volunteer: Volunteering is a great way if you have a heap of free time. Helping others can often help you 🙂 Look for locations to volunteer near you. You could help out at an animal sanctuary or a homeless shelter for example. There are plenty of places and people (and animals!) that need help.

Remember that things will get better & everything happens for a reason. Use this time to work on you and do things for you. Learn from your ended relationships and be thankful that they happened as it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.


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